Mahardeka Tri Ananta
Experience: 12

對 1 位教授評分
林盈達 評分: 私心推薦 5.0★ / 學到東西 5.0★ / 口條好 5.0★ / 課業壓力 2.0★ / 給分甜度 5.0★ / A+ 2019-09-18 16:17
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有 1 則留言
林盈達 留言: 2019-09-18 16:31 The course instructor delivered the computer network course in simple explanation and gave real example so that I fully understood the modern computer network concept easily. This course not only talk about theory but also more doing practical exercise with open source approach.
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上過 1 位教授的課
上過 林盈達 教授的課 2019-09-18 16:17
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