臺大化學系 蘇曼儂

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受訪者:B94 化學系 蘇曼儂 採訪與撰稿:陳思圻 
無機化學 教授用簡單明瞭的方法闡述概念,原則很簡單卻能解釋很多事情。 
inorganic chemistry The teacher illustrate things in a straight forward way. The principles are simple but can explain many things 

主要是化學知識、獨立思考,包含分析和解決問題的能力。 我現在在讀博士班,不清楚這些訓練對就業市場的幫助。 
I am still in PhD program so I don't know how those training benefit in 就業市場 Chemistry knowledge, independent thinking, including problem solving and analysis 

什麼特質,興趣的人會適合念化學系? 任何對化學、自然科學和實驗有興趣的人。 
Anyone who likes chemistry, science and experiments. I participated chemistry research and competition in high school, so it is pretty obvious 
社團與學校生活 我參加體操社,是個小型社團,需要到校外找場地練習,有時也要代表學校參加全國大學運動會。 除了社團活動,我也加入一個大學部的研究計畫。 
My club is gymnastics club. It is a very small club and we needed to go outside campus to practice it.We even participated 全大運 about campus life. Besides taking courses, I joined a lab to do undergraduate research. 

回顧四年的想法與感觸 如果回到大一,我會修跨院、跨領域的課程,部會害怕去挑戰新的事物和課程,不會花太多時間計較成績上的輸贏。 
I would have taken courses with larger variety, such as courses from other department, not been afraid to take challenging courses and things, and not spent too much time on competing with peers ( I mean, to care too much about win or lose)